Sunday, September 9, 2012

The In-Laws Visit Part 1

Every month I will work the 1st weekend and then I get to take 1.5 days off the next week.  I like this.  I usually will work Monday-Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday-Thursday until 1pm.  I hate working 11.5 days in a row but the long weekend is always so wonderful... until this weekend.  My in-laws wanted to come up for a visit.  I do love Chaz's mother and her husband but I also like quite time.  I'm kind of a boring person, on my days off I like to read a book, work outside, shop... pretty much whatever I want.  I like alone time, I think everybody should get one day a month to just do what they want.

My long weekend didn't get off to a very good start.  My boss is very selfish and has been using the excuse of working 2013's budget for months.  She can't do the simplest of tasks like taking care of a folder that she got out because she doesn't have time because of the budget (whatever, it's call being F*cking lazy).  Well, the budget has finally come due and she hasn't done a damn thing on it and is now in a panic.  This happened last year and if she is around next year it will happen then too.  Anyhow, Boss leaves early last Friday and takes all of her stuff with her because she is going to "work from home" to get the budget done over the long Labor Day weekend.  Then on Sunday she calls me at work and said she hurt herself on the boat.  I'm not Sherlock Holmes or anything, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't working on her budget on a boat...  Monday we were closed (yahoo for holiday pay).  Then on Tuesday, after we've opened Boss calls me and said she can't come in because her bruise hurt too bad and that she will be working from home, same for Wednesday.  Thursday she arrives late and is loosing it because the budget is due on Friday.  Long story semi shortened I didn't get out of work until 4:30 and my in-laws were sitting at our house when I got home and it hasn't been quite the entire weekend.  They left early this morning and I don't think Chaz and I have said more than 20 words to each other.  We are doing our own thing and enjoying the peace and quiet.

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